
All students in PWCS (Kindergarten through 12th grade) are issued a device. As part of the Digital Device Agreement, parents must reimburse the school division for certain damages or losses with regards to devices. PWCS has partnered with Securranty to provide insurance that covers damage and/or loss/theft of the device so that you will not be responsible for the replacement cost of the device.

Students in Grades 3, 4, and 5

Students in 3rd, 4th, and 5th grade will be issued an HP laptop to use this school year. They are responsible for any damage to the device, including missing keys on the keyboard, cracked screens, drop damage, water damage, loss and theft. Securranty coverage would cover all of these items.

Students in Grades Kindergarten, 1, and 2

Students in Kindergarten, 1st, and 2nd grade will be issued an iPad to use this school year. The iPad is covered through Apple Care for any physical damage to the device. It is NOT covered for loss or theft, though. Securranty coverage would cover the loss or theft of the iPad.


Coverage for either device is $29.95 and lasts for one year from the date of purchase. At T. Clay Wood we strongly recommend that all students with an HP Laptop purchase Insurance. The laptops do not come with any built-in coverage, so you will be responsible financially for any damage to the device. For the iPads, insurance coverage would only apply in the event of loss or theft; physical damage to the device is already covered at no cost to parents. If you are worried your child may misplace their iPad, please consider purchasing Insurance.


If you have questions, please email Mr. Taylor ([email protected]) for more information.